JSC Serbian Railways


“Serbian Railways” and “Metrovagonmaš” from Russia signed the Contract about purchase of ten new diesel – motor trains

“Serbian Railways” Director General Milovan Marković and manager of Russian company “Metrovagonmaš” Vladimir Oseev signed on April 14 in Belgrade the Contract about purchase of ten new diesel – motor trains, from the credit of international railway bank “Eurofima”.

“Serbian Railways”, after almost three decades are acquiring new trains for the passenger traffic, which should, as planned, improve internal, especially regional traffic, on the non-electrified lines in Serbia.

The ambassador of Russian Federation in Serbia, Aleksandar Vasiljevič Konuzin, was present on the Contract signing, as well as State Secretary in the Ministry for the Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia Slavoljub Vukićević, PhD, and the president of the Managing Board of the “Serbian Railways” Zoran Anđelković, as well as representatives of “Serbian Railways” and “Metrovagonmaš”.

– The value of the Contract is 34 million 380 thousands Swiss franks, and beside the acquisition of new ten diesel – motor trains, it includes purchase of the tools and equipment for maintenance, expendable material and spare parts, preparation of technical documentation and training of “Serbian Railways” staff – said “Serbian Railways” Director General Milovan Marković.
According to his words, the funds for acquisition of new trains were provided from the credit of the international railway bank „Eurofima“. On the Tender, which was organized by the end of the last year, four big European companies participated: CAF from Spain, “ŽOS Vrutky” from Slovakia, Russian “Metrovagonmaš” and Croation “Gredelj”. Russian company “Metrovagonmaš”, which is part of “Transmaš” holding, was chosen as the most favourable one on the international public Tender; realization of this Tender was followed by “Eurofima” itself.

– The Contract envisages that the first diesel – motor train will be on the Serbian lines in about one year, while the remaining nine will be in traffic in two years, at the latest , – Marković outlined.

– This Contract is extremely important because it is one of the first that is being signed between our two countries, which indicated that we have stable relations with the future perspective, because new possibilities are being opened four our co-operation. So far, our relations were primarily connected to energetic, but I think that the sphere of the infrastructure will become other in the field of our co-operation. I hope that this Contract will be just base for other Contracts that are being considered at the moment. I am especially satisfied because the Russian company participated on the international Tender and won, which says that we have to develop direct relations between companies between Serbia and Russia, – said the ambassador Konuzin.

– This is the first Contract that our firm signs in Serbia, and it is extremely important for us, because we are emerging on the new market, where we had not been present earlier. I can assure you that all conditions that were envisaged by the Contract will be completed entirely. I hope that we will be greeted on the same way when we deliver the first train for a year, and that they will be exploited in Serbia as your nearest neighbours Hungarians and Bulgarians do. I hope that this Contract is not the last one that is being signed and that our relations will be better and more stable, – said manager of the Russian company “Metrovagonmaš” Vladimir Oseev, on the occasion of the Contract signing.

New diesel – motor train units, as requested by the Tender documentation, will be produced according to all domestic and international standards. These trains will be equipped with modern air condition, ventilation and heating system, as well as with steering, control and diagnostic system. Their maximal speed can be up to 160 km/h, but the speed will depend upon conditions of the railway infrastructure in Serbia, therefore the Contract envisages that they can operate up to the speed of 100 km/h. These trains will have internal video surveillance, internal and external display, they will be provided with sound, as well as modern vacuum toilets for the people with special needs.Considering the technical characteristics, it is envisaged that these trains operate 35 years.