JSC Serbian Railways


Primary School Children From Kovacica and Zrenjanin Engaged in The “Caution! Choose Life!” Campaign

Presentations on safety at level crossings, organized on May 11, 2012 for primary school children on the territory of municipalities Kovacica and Zrenjanin by representatives of “Serbian Railways” Media Center, were attended by 410 children.

A multimedia presentation of educational and entertaining character was played in front of the children in primary schools: “Mladost” in Tomasevac within the municipality Zrenjanin, “Sv. Georgije” in Uzdin (the municipality Kovacica) and “Mlada pokolenja” in Kovacica. The aim of this presentation is to point out the danger and explain to children proper traffic behavior at level crossings. The lectures were also interactive in order to create certain communication with pupils and to leave proper effect.