JSC Serbian Railways


Passenger train between Kraljevo and Zvečan is operating today as well

“Passenger train organized by “Serbian Railways”, operated today under the timetable, from Kraljevo, via Lešak, and arrived to Zvečan about 10.25AM. Serbian Railways will also organize the return of this train under the timetable, from Zvečan, via Lešak, to Kraljevo”- said the coordinator of “Serbian Railways” for Kosovo Polje railway node, Zoran Bogavac.

“Serbian Railways” organized the operation of this train from Kraljevo to Zvečan safely and without any problems”.

UNMIK has not organized the train traffic on relation Kosovo Polje-Zvečan today either, and the freight wagons which were transported by Serbian Railways from central Serbia to Zvečan yesterday, are still waiting in this station.