JSC Serbian Railways


In the forthcoming two months, five trains more with automobile parts from Italy to Kragujevac

“Serbian Railways” in cooperation with Italian, Slovenian and Croatian Railways, in the forthcoming two months is going to organize the transport of five more freight train composition from Italian city of Aosta, not distant from Torino, to Kragujevac. It is railway transport of automobile parts from Italy for the needs of factory from Kragujevac “Fiat Zastava”- Operations Directorate Director Dragan Grujić stated.

According to his words, the representatives from “Serbian Railways”, Italian, Slovenian and Croatian Railways, at the meeting held in Rome agreed all traffic, technical and commercial conditions of railway transport of r automobile parts to Kragujevac, in the forthcoming period.

-By the end of this year, it is certain that 30 or so freight train compositions will arrive from Italy in Kragujevac, out of which each of them will have 32 wagons of closed type for automobile parts transport. In case the interest is bigger, all four railway administrations are ready to organize transportation of a greater number of trains -Grujić explains.

– In the first quarter of 2010., when it is expected that each new factory “Fijat Zastava” starts to operate intensively, it is planned that every week from Italy five or six freight trains compositions be transported from Italy. As of April, 2010 the intensive railway transport of manufactured automobiles from Kragujevac to a greater number of European cities- Dragan Grujić emphasized.