JSC Serbian Railways


Contract on the construction of new Zezelj bridge signed

The Contract on the execution of works on the construction of new Zezelj bridge over the Danube river, has been signed today in Novi Sad by the Ambassador Mr. Vinsent Dezer, the Head of Delegation of European Commission In Serbia, Prime Minister of the AP Vojvodina Bojan Pajtić PhD, Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Igor Pavličić, Director General of PE “Serbian Railways” Mr. Milovan Marković and Hose Alejandro Serano Cabrera, Manager for Eastern Europe of the Spanish company AZVI, on behalf of the Contractor, Spanish-Italian Consortium composed of “AZVI” Spain, “Tadei” Italy and “Horta Koslada” Spain. Signing was attended by Mr. Božidar Đelić, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The value of the works is app. EUR 45.3 million, and the new bridge should be constructed within 32 months, i.e. including accessing communication tracks by the end of 2013. The construction of Žeželj Bridge is co-financed by the European Union, AP Vojvodina and City of Novi Sad. On June 3, 2010, The Government of the Republic of Serbia authorized PE “Serbian Railways” to take over rights and obligations of the Investor on behalf of the Republic of Serbia.

The construction of steelworks for Zezelj bridge shall be financed by the European Union out of the grants of IPA fund in the amount of app. EUR 26.2 million.
The AP Vojvodina and City of Novi Sad shall finance dismantling of the temporary and assembly of the new bridge, in the total value of app. EUR 19.1 million. The Province and City shall finance the said funds in the ratio 2:1, in a way that the Province shall provide app. EUR 12.7 million, whereas Novi Sad app. EUR 6.4 million.

The new bridge shall have two railway tracks, two road communication tracks in the width of 7.7m and two pedestrian-cycle paths in the width of 2.5m. The bridge shall be constructed out of steel with two arches and one pier. The total length of the bridge shall be 474 m, width 31m, whereas the weight of steelworks shall be 11,800 tonnes.

Financing of the drawing-up of the conceptual design for Zezelj bridge over the river Danube in Novi Sad, as well as the preparation of the tender documents for the selection of most successful tenderer for the realization of the said design has been provided by the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia out of grants.

All activities related to the drawing-up of the conceptual design, preparation of the tender documents and implementation of tender procedure were conducted by the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia that also formed Tender Committee composed of the representatives of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia, “Serbian Railways” and AP Vojvodina.

There were ten tenders at the international tender launched on September 3, 2010 and realized according to the procedures of the European Union. Given the tenderers were mainly the consortiums, tenders included around 25 companies.

Spanish-Italian consortium “AZVI” Spain, “Tadei” Italy and “Horta Koslada” Spain met all required criteria and offered the lowest price.

The construction of Zezelj bridge is in compliance with the plans of Serbian Railways with regard to modernization of northern railway branch from Belgrade to Novi Sad. Namely, “Serbian Railways” this year expect the loan from the European Investment Bank in the amount of EUR 150 million for the modernization and construction of double track line on the route Stara Pazova – Novi Sad, for the speeds up to 160 km per hour. The value of the entire project is app. EUR 220 million, whereas residual EUR 70 million shall be provided from IPA funds.