JSC Serbian Railways


Better treatment for the railways

During his standard visit to Kraljevo District, Director General of “Serbian Railways”, Milanko Sarancic, expressed the evaluation that in the future railway workers would have better treatment in transport policy of the state.
Throughout his dialogue with chiefs of departments, union representatives and workers, he said that this trend is becoming more present in Western Europe.

– Almost every European country, in its development transport policy, will rely on rail traffic, as one of the cheapest transport modes and the one that preserves the environment the most – said Sarancic and announced new development projects of Serbian Railways.

According to his words, they would soon finalize negotiations with the representatives of European Investment Bank on the credit line of 80 million EUR, and the Spanish credit of 32,5 million EUR, but also with American “General Electric” on certain significant investments.

– Our American partner is ready to invest 300 million USD only for electrification and revitalization of the lines in Kraljevo District – specified Sarancic and identified a huge number of activities regarding the provision of rolling stock, where the most important one is certainly tender for the lease of 400 freight wagons, as well as the procurement of another 10 used diesel sets from Sweden.

Today’s meeting was the opportunity for five workers to be given the keys of their apartments. According to the lists, three apartments have been given to the workers on infrastructure, two to transport workers and the sixth will go to the worker of common services.