JSC Serbian Railways


As of today the Timetable in de Bry’s Alphabet

Today, “Serbian Railways” have promoted in Belgrade railway station hall the Timetable in de Bry’s Alphabet, printed in 500 copies, which had been realized in cooperation with Serbian Union of blind persons and persons with reduced vision.

General Manager of “Serbian Railways”, Milanko Sarancic stated that “Serbian Railways” had realized this project in line with the EU standards. Along with the call-centre which provides information 24 hours a day, SMS data, as well as with the possibility for the passengers to book tickets via Internet, and by the end of the year even to buy tickets, this is the project through which the possibility is provided to blind persons and persons with reduced vision to obtain information on timetable in Bry’s Alphabet exclusively available to such persons.

According to him, the information boards in Bry’s Alphabet are or shall soon be placed in halls of railway stations in Belgrade, Subotica, Novi Sad, Nis and other larger stations, as well as rubber plates for directing these persons with a view to facilitate their orientation in railway stations.

– In our situation, it is highly unusual for an important institution such as “Serbian Railways” to pay attention to blind persons and persons with reduced vision. Therefore, this is a very important event to us, and to my mind an incentive to other institutions – marked the President of Serbian Union of blind persons and persons with reduced vision, Milan Stosic.

He stated that “Serbian Railways” set an example of care for blind persons and persons with reduced vision, whereof number in Serbia is around 12000. By placing information boards and rubber plates in larger railway stations in Serbia the movement of blind persons and persons with reduced vision will be facilitated, said Stosic, thanking thereby to the Manager Milanko Sarancic and his management, as well as all railway employees who participated the realization of this project.