JSC Serbian Railways


Students in Lazarevac and Lajkovac interested in the presentation “Caution! Choose life!”

Students in Lazarevac and Lajkovac showed great interest in presentation “Caution! Choose life!” of the “Serbian Railways”, that is being held in schools all over Serbia. At the presentation, that was organized on Thursday 14 April in 3 schools by the representatives of Media Center of “Serbian Railways”, were present more than 650 participants.

The multimedia presentations, that include also education and are targeted at citizens to promote safety on level crossings, are organized in primary schools “Dule Karakljajic” and “Sveti Sava” in Lazarevac and in “Mile Dubljevic” school in Lajkovac.

This presentation of the “Serbian Railways” about the safety on level crossings has attracted great media attention in Lazarevac and Lajkovac.The campaign of the “Serbian Railways” was attended by “Gem” Television, “Kis” Radio, Lazarevac Radio and Lajkovac Radio.